Navigating the world of investments can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially if you're just starting to explore investment opportunities in Malaysia.


Imagine this: you're eager to start investing in Unit Trusts, often a popular choice for beginners. You receive a fund fact sheet, a document that outlines key facts of a fund, but the sea of numbers and jargon may tempt you to skip it.


Our take? Don't give in to the temptation. In this article, we'll outline why it's important to understand a Unit Trust fund fact sheet and how you can use it to help you make well-informed investment decisions.



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What is a Unit Trust Fund Fact Sheet?

A Unit Trust fund fact sheet is a condensed document that provides investors with a snapshot of a specific investment product. Its purpose is to offer a comprehensive overview of the fund's historical performance, investment strategy, risk indicators, and other crucial details that can guide your investment decisions.

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Why is it important to understand

fund fact sheets?

Before carrying out an investment plan, it's essential to access the fund fact sheet to gain a deeper understanding of the investment product.


When you read a fund fact sheet, you get access to a comprehensive snapshot of a fund's key characteristics, performance, strategy and risks. This condensed document is designed to provide you with the essential information you need to assess whether a particular fund aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance

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What should I look out for in a fund fact sheet?

When considering your investment strategies, several key factors need careful evaluation to ensure your choices align with your financial goals and risk preferences:

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Asset Allocation

Understand how the fund allocates its resources among different asset classes, such as equities, bonds, and other investments products.  


As an example, risk-averse investors choosing a bond fund can use the sheet to consider whether they prefer more government bonds, known for their safety, or corporate bonds, which offer higher yields.



Sector and Geographic Exposure

Evaluate the fund's exposure to specific sectors and geographic regions. This insight can help you assess whether the fund aligns with your views on industry growth potential and global economic trends. 


Consider whether the fund's investments are concentrated in areas that you believe will perform well in the future.


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Fund Size

Consider whether the fund’s size, which refers to the total value of assets held within the fund, aligns with your investment goals. For example, a larger fund may offer greater diversification, while smaller ones may be more focused but can potentially offer higher growth potential. 


It’s also important to note that a larger fund size does not automatically guarantee better returns than a smaller one as fund performance can be impacted by various factors.

Associated Fees

All types of investments come with charges or expenses. Pay close attention to the associated fees outlined in the fund fact sheet, such as the: 

  • Management fee, which covers the expenses related to having your fund professionally managed 
  • Trustee fee, which covers the role of a trustee such as safeguarding investor interests and ensuring compliance to legal requirements and fund guidelines
  • Sales charge, which is imposed when you buy a Unit Trust, typically to cover the fund manager's service or commission






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Suitability for Your Goals

Determine if the fund's risk profile and investment time horizon align with your needs. A long-term investor might be willing to endure greater volatility for potentially higher returns, whereas a short-term investor might prioritise stability. 


Assessing how well the fund matches your investment timeline and comfort level with risk is essential.






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What are some common mistakes when it comes to investment planning?

It’s also important to note some typical pitfalls that can hinder your decision-making process and consider taking steps to avoid them:

Overemphasis on Historical Returns

While historical performance metrics are undeniably valuable, relying solely on past performance to determine your investment decisions can be misleading as market conditions change. 

Consider this instead: 

Focus on the fund’s long-term track record and its ability to adapt to different market cycles to make a more informed investment decision. 

Attempting to Predict Market Movements

Market movements are inherently unpredictable. Investors who try to time the market can end up making decisions driven by fear and greed, rather than sound analysis. 

Consider this instead: 

Adopt the Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) approach by investing a fixed amount of money into a particular asset at regular intervals, regardless of market conditions. This approach can help smooth out investment costs and increase returns over time.

Overlooking Benchmark Comparison

When investors fail to consider how a fund performs in comparison to its benchmark index, it can result in missed opportunities for optimising returns. 

Consider this instead: 

Monitor a fund’s performance relative to its benchmark index across different time frames. Consistent outperformance can be a sign of a well-managed fund, while consistent underperformance may indicate a need to reassess your investment. 

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How do I get started with investing in Unit Trusts?

In conclusion, understanding what Unit Trusts are and how to read a fund fact sheet is integral to making informed investment decisions. 

When you’re ready to start your investment journey, invest in Unit Trust on HLB Connect Online with a minimum of RM50.




This article is part of Hong Leong Bank's educational series, called 'Fresh Take'. Here, we seek to present you a fresh, unbiased perspective of all matters financial. We'll be uploading more educational content moving forward, so do watch out for the next piece.


In a world that's awash with information that may be either true, false or anywhere in between, Fresh Take aims to cut through the clutter, and help you on your journey as an investor who's seeking to build a strong financial future.


Please reach out if you need to know more or need personalised help.









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