Investment | 01 December 2023-31 May 2024

From 1 December 2023 until 31 May 2024 to win exciting prizes!

Terms and Conditions apply.

How to Win?

Are you an existing investor?
How to invest?
How to apply?

New to Unit Trust Investment?

Frequently Asked Questions
Only Unit Trust Investments within the Campaign Period will be in the running.
For all fees and charges, please visit here.
Yes, winners are selected based on highest percentage of returns. Should your investments in Money Market Funds be in the Top 25 return range, you will be shortlisted.
If there are investors within the same range of return, the winner will be shortlisted based on the earliest time period.
Yes, there is a formula to take your cashflow in and out from the Unit Trust Investments. Realized and Unrealized gains/losses will be taken into account.
Important Note:
This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Securities Commission Malaysia.
Unit Trust Investments are not capital protected products and will react according to market conditions.
Before participating, we encourage you to check out the fund factsheets to understand what does the fund entail and what are the risks involved.
This document is not intended to be an invitation or offer for subscription of Unit Trusts nor does it amount to a solicitation by the bank for subscription of Unit Trusts by anyone. Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the prospectus before investing. Investors should note that there are fees and charges involved in the purchase of Unit Trusts. Investors are advised to consider the fees and charges involved before investing and consult their licensed financial or other professional advisors, if in doubt about any feature or nature of the fund. Please note, the price of units and dividends payable, if any, may go up or down. Past performance of a fund is not an indicator of its future performance. The returns on Unit Trust investments are not guaranteed and Unit Trusts do not constitute bank deposits or obligations nor guaranteed by the bank and are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of principal amount invested. Unit Trusts Schemes are not protected by Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM).
All information provided above is for reference only. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, the Bank does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information or data provided. Neither the Bank nor its information providers shall be held responsible or liable for any errors, delays or inaccuracy of the price, data or information provided herein nor for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from any action taken in reliance on the information provided herein.
Money withdrawn from your insured deposit(s) is no longer protected by PIDM if transferred to a non-deposit account. eg. Unit Trust, Bond, Dual Currency Investment (DCI), Negotiable Instrument of Deposit (NID) and Floating Rate Negotiable Instrument of Deposit (FRNID), Structured Investment, ASNB, Investment Account-i etc.