Help Your Kids Learn About Good Money Habits

Do you remember those days where your parents would ask you to do chores around the house, then reward you later for doing a good job? Or when you got your first money saving box to start saving? 

Help Your Kids Learn Good Money Habits

As technology advances, children can now learn about good money habits by managing their savings and expenses via an app, and by having their very own debit card. Hong Leong Bank has just the account to help them with this - HLB 3-in-1 Junior Account

3-in-1 Junior Account

Why should you open a 3-in-1 Junior Account? 

It’s the online banking account in Malaysia your child will need as they will get:

  • Higher interest Junior Savings Account
  • Reloadable Junior Debit Card
  • Higher interest Fixed Deposit Account

Here’s how your child can Earn, Spend, and Save responsibly when using the 3-in-1 Junior Account through the HLB Pocket Connect App:



With the HLB Pocket Connect App, your child can learn the value of money by earning their own pocket money. You can assign tasks for your child to complete. You can also reward them for doing well in school, or when they win their first sports game or musical recital. Definitely a win-win situation!



Your child will learn how to manage their financial expenses independently with their own debit card. Together with the HLB Pocket Connect App, your child will be able to monitor their spendings and savings.



With the HLB Pocket Connect App, children are able to save their money based on their goals with the Wishlist feature. This helps your child to save gradually towards their goals, be it the new game they’ve been wanting to play, or the new books they’ve been wanting to read.

Hmm, I’m worried about getting them a debit card …

It is understandable to be worried. However, exposing and teaching them about managing their financial expenses will greatly benefit them in the future. Not only will your child be able to monitor their spending & savings using a mobile banking app in Malaysia like HLB Pocket Connect App, you will also be able to monitor their expenses and even set a spending limit.

If you choose to start online banking in Malaysia with Hong Leong Bank for your children today, not only will they learn the responsibility of money management, they will also enjoy the rewards and benefits of their savings later in their future.

So, what are you waiting for? Open 3-in-1 Junior Account today and we will come to you to open the account!