Fees & Charges - Deposits


Fees & Charges Description

Fees / Charges

(subject to Government Tax, if applicable)

Cheque Related
Issuance of cheque book Stamp duty of RM0.15 per cheque 
3rd and subsequent cheque books in a calendar month RM10.00 per cheque book and RM0.15 per cheque leaf 
Cheque Processing Fee RM0.50 per issuance

Dishonoured Outward Return Cheques due to:

  • Insufficient funds (e.g. refer to drawer, effects not cleared, not arranged for, & exceeded arrangement)
  • Technical Error (e.g. alterations)


RM150.00 per cheque

RM10.00 per cheque

Dishonoured Inward Return Cheques due to:

  • Post-dated reason only
RM10.00 per cheque (imposed on payee)
Postage charges for Return Cheques RM5.00

Stop Payment upon request:

  • On cheque issued
  • Due to loss/ stolen cheques/ cheque book 


RM10.00 per cheque
RM10.00 per instruction 

Stop Payment upon presentation of stop payment cheque:

  • If sufficient funds
  • If insufficient funds

RM10.00 per cheque
RM150.00 per cheque

Cheque encashment at domicile branch:

  • 1st party (by accountholder) encashment
  • 3rd party encashment



No charge

RM2.00 per encashment
(No charge for company representative/s encashing cheques on behalf of the company)

Cheque encashment at non-domicile branch: 

  • 1st party (by accountholder) encashment
  • 3rd party encashment
    • Cheque amount RM5,000.00 and below
    • Cheque amount above RM5,000.00

No charge

RM5.00 on payee and RM2.00 on drawer
RM7.00 on payee and RM2.00 on drawer

Destruction of uncollected Cheque Book (more than 28 days):

  • Individual Account
  • Business Account


RM30.00 per cheque book
RM50.00 per cheque book


  • Printing special cheques
  • Handling Charges on Representing Cheques
  • Redesignation of Special Account for bad cheque offenders


RM50.00 per printing
RM50.00 per cheque

Statement Related


Statement Request:

  • Weekly
  • Ad Hoc
    • For statement up to one year ago
    • For statement of more than a year ago

Hold Mail Request





RM20.00 per month

RM10.00 per request and RM2.00 per page
RM10.00 per request and RM5.00 per page



RM20.00 per month per mail

(No charge for Priority and Private Banking customers)

Dormant Account Related


Basic Current Account (No activity for 12 months and above):

  • Balance RM10.00 and below
  • Balance more than RM10.00 



Dormant Current Account (No activity for 12 months and above):

  • Balance RM10.00 and below
  • Balance more than RM10.00 




Account closed and balance absorbed as charge
RM10.00 yearly




Account closed and balance absorbed as charge
RM10.00 yearly

Close Account Related


Basic Current Account


Other Current Account



RM20.00 (within 3 months from opening)


RM20.00 (within 6 months from opening)

Account Related

  • Change of operating mandate
  • Addition of joint accountholders
  • Mandate for operating account
  • Excess Rate

(Interest payable when the current account becomes overdrawn)

RM10.00 per account

RM10.00 per account

Service Charge RM10.00 per mandate and stamp duty RM10.00 per mandate

4% p.a. above BLR on daily rest on the overdrawn amount

SMS Notification Related

  • Applicable for Hong Leong One Account only
  • Applicable for all account


RM0.50 per SMS (no charge for first 20 SMS alerts per calendar month)

RM5.00 monthly for Individual account
RM10.00 monthly for Non-Individual account

ATM Related


Click for more details

Debit Card Related

Click for more details

Service Charge Related


  • Where average balance for half year is below RM1,000.00

(other than Smartlink / Flexi One/ Top Yield/ One Account)


  • Hong Leong Smartlink Account  where average balance for half year is below RM200.00;


  • Hong Leong One Account, Top Yield Account and Flexi One Account where average monthly balance is below RM1,000.00;


  • Where average balance of all the Deposit Accounts of a Priority Banking Customer fall below the minimum amount for 3 consecutive months.
    • Deposit Accounts (Personal Fixed Deposit, Personal Savings and Personal Current Account) : Below RM100,000
    • Combination of Deposit Accounts & Unit Trust (based on outstanding balance) : Below RM200,000


RM10.00 every half year (June & December)



RM5.00 every half year (June & December)



RM5.00 per month


(No charge for Priority Banking customers with Mortgage Loan that is Personal Hong Leong Housing Loan or Shop Loan only)



Hong Leong SmartLink Account Related


  • Cash withdrawal without cheque, or
  • Cheque encashment performed by 1st party at domicile or interbranch




RM5.00 per transaction

Hong Leong One Account Overdraft (OD) Facility Fee Related


  • Prescribed Rate

(Interest payable on utilisation of OD)


  • Commitment Fee

(Interest payable on unutilised OD in excess of RM250,000.00)



1% p.a. above BLR on daily rest on the utilised OD amount



1% p.a. on daily rest on the unutilised OD amount.

BizOne Overdraft Facility (BizOne OD) Related


  • Prescribed Rate

(Interest payable on utilisation of OD)


  • Excess Rate

(Interest payable on overdrawn OD limit)


  • Commitment Fee

(Interest payable on unutilised OD in excess of RM250,000.00)



  • Stamp Duties




  • Disbursement Fees




  • Legal Fees


1% p.a. above 1-month BizOne FD’s prevailing board rate on daily rest on the utilized OD amount.


4% p.a. above BLR on daily rest on the amount drawn in excess of the approved OD limit


1% p.a. on daily rest on the unutilised OD amount.



As per the Stamp Duty Act 1949 (Revised 1989) Ad Valorem (0.5% on approved

OD amount)



Disbursement Fees including but not limited to registration fees (e.g. for Form 34 to be filed with the Companies Commission of Malaysia for companies), and any tax or levy as per the scale fees charged by the respective authorities. 



Legal fees will be incurred in relation to the stamping and registration of relevant loan/security documentation.

Overdraft (OD) Facility Fee Related


  • Excess Rate
    (Interest payable on Overdrawn limit)


  • Commitment Fee
    (Interest payable on unutilised OD in excess of RM250,000.00)



7.5% p.a. above SBR on daily rest on the amount drawn in excess of the approved OD limit.


1% p.a. on daily rest on the unutilised OD amount.

Hong Leong MyPAL Related


  • Convenience Fee
  • Late Payment Fee



RM15.00 per usage

RM1.00 every 3 days, up to a maximum of RM9.00

Basic Current Account Related


Over-the-counter (OTC) Visits (per month):

  • First 6 OTC visits
  • From the 7th OTC onwards




No charge

Waived until further notice

  • Sweeping from Hong Leong Flexi Fixed Deposit to Hong Leong Flexi One account

RM5.00 for every RM3,000.00 swept


Fees & Charges Description

Fees / Charges

(subject to Government Tax, if applicable)

Cheque Related

Dishonoured Inward Return Cheques due to:

  • Post-dated reason only


(No charge for Priority and Private Banking customers)

Passbook Related

Lost Savings Passbook:

  • Only applicable for Harvest Savings Account and Senior Savers Account




RM10.00 per passbook and RM10.00 for Letter of Indemnity stamp duty

Close Account Related


Basic Savings Account

Other Savings Account



RM20.00 (within 3 months from opening)

RM20.00 (within 6 months from opening)

Dormant Account Related


Basic Savings Account (no activity 12 months and above):

  • Balance RM10.00 and below
  • Balance more than RM10.00 


Other Savings Account (no activity 12 months and above):

  • Balance RM10.00 and below
  • Balance more than RM10.00 




Account closed and balance absorbed as charge

RM10.00 yearly



Account closed and balance absorbed as charge

RM10.00 yearly

Changes to Account Related:

  • Change to operating mandate
  • Addition of joint accountholders


RM10.00 per account
RM10.00 per account

(No charge for Priority and Private Banking customers)

SMS Notification Related:

  • Individual account
  • Non-individual account


RM5.00 monthly
RM10.00 monthly

Service Charge Related

Applicable for Pay&Save Account only

  • Hong Leong Pay&Save Account where average balance for half year is below RM200.00;


Applicable for Priority Banking customers only


Average balance of the Deposit Accounts fall below the minimum amount for 3 consecutive months:

  • Deposit Accounts (Personal Fixed Deposit, Personal Savings and Personal Current Account) : Below RM100,000
  • Combination of Deposit Accounts & Unit Trust (based on outstanding balance) : Below RM300,000



RM5.00 every half year (June & December)






(No charge for Priority Banking customers with Mortgage Loan that is Personal Hong Leong Housing Loan or Shop Loan only)


ATM Related

Click for more details

Debit Card Related

Click for more details

Junior Savings Account Related


Over the counter withdrawal:

  • 1st withdrawal over-the-counter per month
  • 2nd or subsequent withdrawals over-the-counter per month




No charge

RM2.00 per withdrawal

Basic Savings Account Related


Over-the-counter (OTC) Visits (per month):

  • First 6 OTC visits
  • From the 7th OTC onwards



No charge

Waived until further notice


  • CDS account opening (only applicable for Pay&Save Account)  


Fees & Charges Description

Fees / Charges

(subject to Government Tax, if applicable)

Cheque Related


Dishonoured Inward Return Cheques due to:

  • Post-dated reason only




RM10.00 per cheque


Changes to Account Related:

  • Change to operating mandate
  • Addition of joint accountholders




RM10.00 per account
RM10.00 per account

(No charge for Priority Banking customers)

Service Charge Related


Applicable for Priority Banking customers only


Average balance of the Deposit Accounts fall below the minimum amount for 3 consecutive months:

  • Deposit Accounts (Personal Fixed Deposit, Personal Savings and Personal Current Account) : Below RM100,000
  • Combination of Deposit Accounts & Unit Trust (based on outstanding balance) : Below RM200,000






(No charge for Priority Banking customers with Mortgage Loan that is Personal Hong Leong Housing Loan or Shop Loan only)




Replacement of lost Fixed Deposit Receipt


Withdrawal by Banker’s Cheque



RM5.00 per receipt and RM10.00 for Letter of Indemnity stamp duty


RM5.00 per cheque. RM0.15 per cheque for stamp duty. Cheque processing fee of RM0.50

Fees & Charges Description

Fees / Charges

(subject to Government Tax, if applicable)

Transaction Fee

RM10.00 or its equivalent

(Charges are waived for all new and active Dual Currency Investments (DCI) customers)

Service Charge

RM30.00 or its equivalent every half year ( June & December)

(Charges are waived for all new and active Dual Currency Investments (DCI) customers and Foreign Currency Bond customers)

For enquiries, connect with us online or drop by your nearest Hong Leong Bank Branch.